Saturday 13 August 2022

New Ideas: Kinder Eggs for Adults

What does a kinder egg & jewellery have in common? Both make girls happy. This is what we established with my friend during our creative afternoon, where else than on the beach. 

We both brought kinder eggs to our respective partners at some point in time. To our surprise, they did not share the same excitement. Mind you we are both ladies in our mid-thirties. Yet, Kidner eggs still bring joy. I remember that for my graduation, my date brought me a big flower and he included Kinder eggs in the bouquet. I loved it. 

The reason why kinder eggs work is a. the chocolate and b. the surprise. The actual toys inside are a bit meh, especially when you get a puzzle. If you got one, you know what I am talking about 

Now starting with this, we thought of what else brings ladies joy. We used the 3C Creativity Tool for Complimentary Combinations and got very quickly to jewellery. In contrast to disappointing toys, a necklace or earrings always bring joy. 

If you want to turn this idea into a profitable business, you can create a subscription model, when the lady gets a chocolate egg delivered every month with a new toy inside. Be it a piece of jewellery or, in the version for adults, lacy underwear. 

Need an original engagement proposal? Your girl loves Kinder eggs? Well, here you go...

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